Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Merry Christmas

The Golden family had a wonderful Christmas. Kate hosted Christmas Eve at her house. The girls had a great time, as did their parents. Santa even popped in for a visit. Christmas day we had at our house so the girls could open presents at their own house. It was so fun. Savannah was so spoiled by the grandparents that she had to take a break from opening her presents because it was just all too much. Annabeth was adorable for her first Christmas. She was all smiles and she had a great time opening the gifts. She was a true delight all day. Sean and I were spoiled as well. We got a Nintentdo Wii from my parents. I am not a video game person. That being said, I love the Wii. It is the non-video game person's video game system. It is awesome. Anyway, I digress. It was lovely to have everyone together and have such a great couple of days with family. Here's hoping yours was as wonderful.
Savannah pretending to go to sleep at Aunt Kate's so Santa would come.
Annabeth soaking up all the attention.
Dad and his sister, Carol who came to visit from the Chicago area.

Santa with Sean and the girls.

Savannah on Christmas morning.
Annabeth loved the fox one of the grandparents gave her - she was all smiles al day - so cute!

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