Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sweet Savannah

Savannah also had a well child checkup this week. She was 28 lbs and 38 inches tall. She is not as lopsided in the percentages this time. I wonder if this means we are due for a growth spurt? Anyway she was in the 27th percent for weight and 64th percent for height. I was very surprised when they rolled in the blood pressure monitor to take her blood pressure. It was fine, and she was a good sport about it, but it was still strange.

Otherwise Savannah is doing well. She is as energetic as ever. Her favorite game right now is "Get you Mama/Daddy". Essentially this game entails her running around the living room chasing whomever has agreed to be pursued this time. She loves it. We are hoping this too will pass. She still loves her sister most of the time, and gets endlessly frustrated by her the rest of the time. She loves the Little Einsteins. For anyone who knows the show, she particularly identifies with Annie. I asked her why she likes Annie so much and she says it is because they both have "yellow hair". All right enough talking, moving on to some cute pictures.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

All About Annabeth

Annabeth had her 9 month checkup yesterday. She is 17 lbs, 3 oz and 27.25 inches long. That puts her in the 18th percentile for weight and 31st percentile for height. Savannah was 16lbs, 7 oz and 28.5 inches long. Annabeth is definitely shorter and rounder than her big sister.
She crawls like crazy. She has a quiet determination that astounds me. She will patiently keep trying to do whatever it is she wants to do until she accomplishes her little goal. She does not get upset at all. She has rhythm and loves to dance. She is such a smiley baby. She just seems to always be happy. Obviously I have a lot to learn from her about patience and contentment. We are waiting for the day she realizes she has the strength to walk and takes off. Until then, we are enjoying the phase she is in now. She is so vocal (I know, big shock a child of mine would be chatty). Her favorite word is Mama. She is learning sign language very quickly. She knows all done and she knows to wave bye-bye.
We feel so blessed to have her in our lives. She is a true delight.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finally an answer to the age old question..

Men and women have been arguing for years, "Who is the better driver, men or women?" I imagine this question even came up during horse and carriage days, but maybe not. Anyway, Savannah finally provided us with the answer.

Scene: We just had dinner on Savannah'sbirthday. Sean was on the driver's side of our van, our only car, putting Savannah in her car seat. I was on the passenger's side depositing baby sister in her infant seat. So, Sean got in the driver's seat and I proceeded to enter the passenger's side. A little background may be needed here. Since we have only one car, I almost always drive when Savannah is in the car. Sean has never fully gotten used to the van and I drive it constantly. So, it was a little unusual for Sean to drive. Anyway, I digress. Savannah proceeds to tell Sean, "Daddy get out. You are in Mama's seat."
Sean reassures Savannah, "Daddy knows how to drive, Savannah."
Savannah says: "No, Mama drives."

We continue to drive home. Upon arrival, Sean asks Savannah the following:
"See, Daddy can drive. Don't you think Daddy is a good driver?"
Savannah replies, "No."
Sean then thinks for a minute and asks "Is Mama a good driver?"
In response Savannah says "Yes, Mama is a good driver."

In claification, he asked each question again and received the same response.
Such a bright girl, that Savannah...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Party Pandamonium

Savannah had such a wonderful time at her birthday party that we could barely convince her to leave. She was all smiles while playing on the playland, seeing the Chick-fil-A cow, and eating her birthday cupcakes. She was very excited to see her friends too. All in all it was lots of fun for her. Of course to all the adults, it was pure craziness. Like all birthday parties at this age there was laughing, crying and vomiting. It's enough to make parents wonder, why did we do this? Then you look at the grinning birthday girl and you have your answer. Thanks to all who came to make this day special for our big girl.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Savannah turns 3...

I am in a bit of a state of shock. How is Savannah already 3? This last year has been such a blur, I can hardly believe we are officially finished with the "terrible twos". While she did give us a run for our money at times this year, it was still a delight watching her grow.

A year ago she was hardly speaking (and worrying her mother a bit) and now she is hardly silent (and driving her mother a bit crazy some days). She has learned to (mostly) dress herself, to sing her ABC's with remarkable accuracy, and to count to twenty. She has learned the names of the colors in her world and the words to her favorite songs. It is amazing how hungry she is for learning (if not for food - some things never change).

She has started observing other people's feelings. She can tell when Mama is having a tough day and she offers a hug. She gets upset if "baby sister" is crying. She is a sweet big sister. I have been amazed at how quickly she accepted her role and how much she loves Annabeth.

She is not the demure little girl I always thought I would have. She would rather run around than sit and read. She doesn't really understand the purpose of dolls. She loves cars and trucks. While she is not what I expected, she has exceeded all expectations of the person I hoped and prayed she would be.

She has been our teacher. I never knew someone so little could teach so much. First and foremost, she has taught me patience. I have always had precious little patience, but I have found it growing each year. She has taught me the importance of making sure my needs are met. She has taught me to mean what I say, because I guarantee she will test those words.

I can't imagine what this year will bring for her. It seems every time I think I know what is in store, I am shown how wrong I am. So, I will just hold on and enjoy the ride that is loving and parenting Savannah. So, here's to another astonishingly fast year ahead, as I am not expecting this ride to slow down any time soon. We love you very much sweet pea and we can't wait to find out what will fill the next chapter of your life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I really hope she does not understand what she is saying...

The other day Savannah was running around the house bottomless. I teased her and told her that she was mooning mommy. She laughed and then thought about it for a minute. The next thing I know she says, "Savannah wants to moon Santa." Fantastic. Let's hope she forgets this idea before next year.
Savannah's birthday is Friday. I promise to post pictures and a sweet note to her then. Sorry I have been so deficient in blogging lately, we've been in holiday recovery mode.