Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Post Ike week at home

Since Ike hit Houston we have tried to stay home to conserve gas and stay out of the way of the recovery efforts. The last thing the workers need are a crazy preschooler, her mother who can't quite keep up with her and her baby sister who wants nothing more than to get down on the ground to try to crawl. Here are some pictures of our goings on...

Savannah helping to get Annabeth up from her nap. Cribs are so much fun when they are not where you sleep anymore!!
Our friends Marc and Alicia stayed with us for a few days while they had no power. They were nice enough to bring over the stuff to make cupcakes with Savannah. She clearly had a good time while Ally waited in the wings to assist in our clean up efforts.
Sweet happy baby
Ally and Savannah sharing the love
Savannah is so tolerant of Annabeth. Annabeth crawled over to Savannah to investigate her hair. She has a really strong grip, so I am sure this was not comfortable for her. Such a sweet big sister!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I dislike Ike

We survived Hurricane Ike mostly unscathed. Don't get me wrong, the house needs some repairs, but we are lucky compared to most people. We got power back in record time and we now even have cable and internet. We spent three hours evacuating to Conroe for the storm. Thankfully it was a much shorter drive home since we came back home quickly (we thought we had power - and were lucky to be right - and Mom and Dad did not). Here are some photos from our hurricane adventure. I don't have any pictures from our house because pictures of water stains on ceilings, ripped awnings and wet attic paraphernalia are just not that interesting.

Hurricane Breakfast - this is what results when the outside freezer loses power and comes slightly open. Savannah thought this was fabulous.
Daddy reading to an apparantly engrossed Annabeth. She loved all the extra Daddy time the hurricane gave her.
Heather's parents' house. Usually we park our car right where this tree landed. Thankfully we had found spare garages for all the cars so none were damaged.
This is their road after lots of clearing. It looked like it rained trees.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Long icky days at home

We have been home since Sunday with some kind of crud that Sean picked up on his guys weekend in Dallas (thank you mystery germ spreader - I will find out who you are). So, Sean kindly shared with the girls and I. So we have been stuck at home. I know three days does not sound like a long time, but it feels like ages when you are in the throes of snotty noses, sore throats, fevers, and nasty coughs (and that is just Sean and I). So, to pass the time we have been watching movies and kid videos and taking pictures. Here are some cute ones. Sweet Annabeth
It's hard to tell, but she is up on all fours rocking away - trying to learn to crawl.

How is my baby so big? She doesn't look like a baby at all any more.
Ally and Savannah love

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sit up and take notice

Annabeth has decided to continue her early milestone ways. She has figured out how to sit up. She can't put herself in a sitting position, but she can stay there once you get her there. She is so determined to grow up quickly. At only 4 months she is also starting to learn to crawl. She can pull herself forward (although not consistently) in an army crawl.

Please don't interrupt me, I'm busy attacking my play gym from this angle.

Savannah and Daddy clowning around. I couldn't believe she could fit in this box. Every once in a while I realize how little she really still is.