Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yeah for Pajama Days!

Houston experienced a deluge over the last 24 hours or so. School is cancelled, people are blocked in their houses from flooding, people are working at home. Savannah's school was one of the schools to cancel class for today. So, we have been having a fun rainy day at home. We tried a new cookie recipe - and failed miserably. Thankfully Savannah is much more into the process than the outcome right now, so it was fun. We have played "get you girls" - where Mommy chases the girls around the "adult room" (the largest room we have). We have done our Jillian Michaels for the day. After awhile Savannah got Annabeth to follow her into the adult room and told me to stay out. She wanted to play with sister. Alone. (Cue music from heaven.) They have also wrestled. Lots of wrestling. Anyway, I know it isn't exciting, but it has been fun for us. I love days like this where the girls get to really bond. Here are some pictures of the wrestling - please note the pajamas on the girls. These were taken at about 1pm. Yeah for pajama days!


Rachel said...

ok, what is Jillian Michaels? Cute pics!

The Golden Family said...

Jillian Michaels is a trainer on the biggest loser. She has a workout video called the 30 Day Shred. It's great. It is 25 minutes long and it is hard. Savannah likes to try to do it with me, it's so funny.