Thursday, February 14, 2008

Illness is everywhere

I apologize for the lack of postings lately. I have been reminded as to why I have disliked January and February since Savannah was born. We are always sick!!

Last month it was a nasty cold that knocked both Savannah and I out for a couple of weeks. This week, as we are finally getting our footing back, Savannah came down with croup. Now the good part about croup is the best treatment is to sit in a steamy room several times a day with our sick sweetie. So, I have been getting daily facial treatments; and people say you don't get to pamper yourself anymore once you have kids.

I promise some pictures will be forthcoming as we have done some fun things between illnesses. Hopefully we can get more accomplished this weekend.

1 comment:

The Ulrickson Fam said...

Oh yuck! Hang in there. Heids was sick this weekend and the beginning of this week- puking. Not fun when you are down to your last set of sheets and praying there isn't another episode! Sweet Savannah, hope she feels better soon. Enjoy that beautiful skin of yours!