Well, we have been one busy little family. There has been quilt sewing, elephant visiting, and pumpkin patching going on. There has been lots of messy eating.
I have picked up a new hobby, sewing. I can't say I am good at it. However, I am learning. I have made a quilt for Savannah and a rag quilt for Annabeth. My next project is a couple of receiving blankets and burp cloths for friends who are expecting their first baby in three weeks. Here are the quilts:
Annabeth has been learning to self-feed, the messy way. She has been in love with yogurt and we have been encouraging her to feed herself. It is a very messy proposition, but she and her clothes are machine washable. 

We also went to an elephant open house at the Houston Zoo. It was awesome. The girls got to play with the elephant's toys (remarkably similar to their toys). We got to help give one elephant her bath. They even performed tricks for us. Needless to say, we had a great time.
We have also hit up a couple of pumpkin patches last weekend and today. I'll just say the animals will recover from the torture rained down on them by an 18 month old animal lover who has yet to fully grasp the concept of gentle. 

As I said up top, we have been busy. Next week we take Annabeth for her 18 month appointment. I will update her stats then. We also recently had Savannah's first parent-teacher conference. I will update with more on that later too.
Have a great weekend!
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