Our sweet baby is 15 months old. I can't believe how fast time flies. I suppose we must have been having fun. She had her check-up and didn't cry at all. She even obliged with the ahhh to have her mouth checked out. She was thrilled with herself. Too funny. Her stats are as follows:
Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz - 20th percentile
Height: 31.5 inches - 76th percentile (I think she is actually half an inch shorter than that)
Head: 18.75 inches - 90th percentile - still a big headed kiddo
She is starting to head into the age of tantrums. She will throw herself on the ground, in very dramatic fashion, and scream if she is told no to something she wants. It is hilarious. I have to turn my back so she won't see me laughing (we definitely don't want to encourage this behavior!). She is a good communicator. She will bring us the remote if she wants to watch tv. She will bring us whatever food she wants to eat from the pantry. She loves having her hair brushed. She even had her first haircut today (Mommy trimmed up the back). She is getting really fast. She is close to running. She loves applause. All in all she is developing well and we are really enjoying watching her grow.

1 comment:
Love that she's already using a laptop. :) The big grin pic reminds me of sweet Savannah. Miss you guys!!
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