Friday, April 24, 2009

Annabeth's First Annual Check-Up

Annabeth had her one-year well-check this morning. Thankfully she was all smiles while Dr. Injac examined her. She showed off her walking skills (she is so sturdy these days - not much drunken sailor left in her gait), her words, and her smiles. He declared her in great health and after three shots we were on our merry way.
Annabeth's Stats:

Height: 29 inches = 40th percentile

Weight: 19 lbs 9 oz = 26th percentile

Head: 18.5 inches = 91st percentile
That's right. She has one big head. The good news is she is following her curves and growing as expected. I am surprised that she is still not proportionate with her height and weight. She has lots of meat on those bones, so I was sure she would be more proportional than she proved herself to be in reality.


Val said...

glad everything is well!

Jensen Journal said...

she is so cute. Glad we finally got to meet the girls! Thanks for the most wonderful breakfast! You guys are just too sweet! Hope you have a wonderful week!