Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yeah for Pajama Days!

Houston experienced a deluge over the last 24 hours or so. School is cancelled, people are blocked in their houses from flooding, people are working at home. Savannah's school was one of the schools to cancel class for today. So, we have been having a fun rainy day at home. We tried a new cookie recipe - and failed miserably. Thankfully Savannah is much more into the process than the outcome right now, so it was fun. We have played "get you girls" - where Mommy chases the girls around the "adult room" (the largest room we have). We have done our Jillian Michaels for the day. After awhile Savannah got Annabeth to follow her into the adult room and told me to stay out. She wanted to play with sister. Alone. (Cue music from heaven.) They have also wrestled. Lots of wrestling. Anyway, I know it isn't exciting, but it has been fun for us. I love days like this where the girls get to really bond. Here are some pictures of the wrestling - please note the pajamas on the girls. These were taken at about 1pm. Yeah for pajama days!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Annabeth's First Annual Check-Up

Annabeth had her one-year well-check this morning. Thankfully she was all smiles while Dr. Injac examined her. She showed off her walking skills (she is so sturdy these days - not much drunken sailor left in her gait), her words, and her smiles. He declared her in great health and after three shots we were on our merry way.
Annabeth's Stats:

Height: 29 inches = 40th percentile

Weight: 19 lbs 9 oz = 26th percentile

Head: 18.5 inches = 91st percentile
That's right. She has one big head. The good news is she is following her curves and growing as expected. I am surprised that she is still not proportionate with her height and weight. She has lots of meat on those bones, so I was sure she would be more proportional than she proved herself to be in reality.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby!

Today Annabeth turns one. I can't begin to describe the joy she has brought to our lives this year. We had no idea what we were missing before she came into our lives. She is truly a delight. She is probably the happiest person I have ever met. She laughs easily and often. Her smile lights up a room. She is charming. She garners the biggest smiles from random strangers with her little antics. She makes me proud to be her mom.

She has an uncanny knowledge of her world. She was born with this odd talent for understanding what is happening around her. She loves to explore. She is highly determined and not easily distracted. Her new found love of walking is adorable. She finds it hilarious to go in the opposite direction from where you want her. She worships her sister. If Savannah is doing something it must be the coolest thing in the world, so Annabeth is determined to imitate her. While Savannah can find it frustrating at times, often she is a good sport. The sweeter Savannah is to Annabeth, the more Annabeth wants to be just like her.

Annabeth, thank you for a year of joy. I am so grateful to have you in our lives. Happy Birthday and we are looking forward to many more sweet years ahead.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

She Walks!

Annabeth has been close to walking for weeks, months even. We've known that all she needed was the confidence and she would be off to the races. Well, somehow she mustered the confidence yesterday. So, this morning we got out the camera and shot some video of these precious early steps. She is so pleased with herself, so sweet!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Savannah has successfully gone number two on the potty without any problems. She was so excited (as am I). She still has not had any accidents, so I am declaring her trained. Here's hoping that does not come back and bite me in the bottom.

Potty Training

We have been hanging out at home the last few days to potty train Savannah. We have made several attempts in the past that resulted in huge meltdowns, not to mention how Savannah responded. So, we took a good two month break from all things pottying. We started again Monday evening. She had like four accidents that afternoon. However, she never got horribly upset like she had in past attempts. Thus I was heartened that we had a fighting chance of success. Yesterday morning we had another accident. Then after her nap, something miraculous happened. She went on the potty for the first time. She has not looked back. We still put a pull up on her overnight, but she was only slightly wet this morning (huge change from normal). She has not had another accident. She seems to have figured it (peeing) out. Of course we still have the other to contend with, so here's hoping it all comes out OK. I am seeing the light at the end of the two in diapers tunnel and I am thrilled. As Elmo of Sesame Street said, "Hurray for underpants!"