Some cute photos of the girls...

Samantha and Annabeth at The Aquarium, I think it was love at first sight.

This is what you get when you ask a 2 year old to smile for the camera.

"All done"

Sweet, sweet baby - at least that is what I was telling myself last night at 10, 12 - 1, 2:30, 4 and 6:45. I love teething and reflux!!

Note the hand chewing, this is after tylenol, teething tabs, and some gum rubbing from Mama. Let me tell you, the drool is fabulous.
Heather, I am still trying to figure out how the heck you get out of the house so much. Why am I so inept at doing so!
Do you have scheduled naps for Annabeth or is it a nap when she plops down schedule.
The twins are on a tight 3 hour schedule. After an hour of eating and play they sleep for 2 hours. Interrupting their sleep has always proved a bad idea (ends up in scream fests) so I've been held captive unable to take them anywhere.
Maybe mine are just moody :)
Val, you are not inept. When Annabeth was really young she would sleep anywhere. So, I would plan our outings right before she was due to fall asleep and she would sleep during the outing. She was a really good sport about the whole thing. Now, I make sure she gets two good long naps a day. She also takes a short nap while we are on the go (half an hour) when she gets tired. At this age she does not need as much sleep anymore. I can't do a strict schedule because Savannah's activities are different each day. Annabeth has learned to be flexible. I do try to not wake her up though. One book I read says you should never wake a sleeping baby, and I agree. I'm also lucky because Annabeth has a great temperment. She is smily all the time. I'm so grateful because otherwise I would go crazy.
sigh...the joys of have to wake sleeping babies or it's a non-stop circus. With their naps aligned at least I can slip in a shower here and there. Zane is excellent about sleeping but Lily has some kind of crazy metabolism that she never wants to sleep during the day. It's like she's on baby-speed We have to use the swing to force naps on her.
I've considered just letting them sleep according to their own desires...I mean its not like we're even close to sleeping through the night anyway so whats the loss? :)
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