We have had some fun these last couple of weeks. Sean's aunt, uncle and cousins from Colorado came to visit for several days. Our outings included a trip to the galleria, the aquarium, and Lake Conroe. We were quite the sight with Savannah wanting to run everywhere (typically with an adult trailing her yelling "slow down"), Annabeth - the sweet trooper that she is - out way past her bedtime and having a meltdown or two, and Samantha's service dog in training, Dillon (an 11 week old black lab). I wonder if the businesses we patronized will ever be the same again. Nevertheless, it was fun to see them all.
We also have a gazillion family birthdays to celebrate this month (read: we are now broke). So, a collective "Happy Birthday" to Amy, Pat, Derrick, Grandma, Katie, Mom, and Matt.
Finally, Annabeth had her 4 month well child visit today. Here is my issue with the "well child" visit. You bring in a perfectly happy child and take home a crying mess, not to mention the baby. Ahem, I digress. She officially turned 4 months old yesterday. Annabeth is 13.5 lbs and 24.25 inches tall. She is in the 34th percentile for weight and 35th percentile for height. So, unlike her sister, she is quite proportional right now. She has some fabulous chubby thighs and an adorable budda belly. I promise to start taking more pictures soon. I have been lax.