As Mother's Day approached and Sean thought about what would be an appropriate gift, he thought "If Savannah were to choose the gift, what would she choose?" Knowing my love of elephants (I tend to enjoy the zoo as much as the girls), he called the zoo and ordered a painting for me. The elephants at the Houston Zoo do artwork as an enrichment exercise. The zoo then sells the art as a fundraiser. So, this picture was painted by Shanti. She is an Asian elephant and is known for loving to create art. I was so excited. Now, I just need to get a frame...

I couldn't post without adding a few pictures of our girls. Annabeth is starting to lose the newborn look a bit. I just love those cheeks!

Savannah helping me with Annabeth. She knows that when "baby sister", as she is called, cries we often give her a pacifier. So, here she is trying to help. It really is sweet.