Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First Children's Museum Outing

It is crazy hot in Houston already. So, we took a fun outing to the Children's Museum today. It was Annabeth's first time there and she was so relaxed, she fell asleep in the tot spot.

After the museum Savannah helped me make cookies for Daddy. She was a big fan of the clean up portion of the process since it meant having a little cookie dough.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Don't my pigtails look fabulous??

Clearly Savannah has enough hair that I could have put her hair up a long time ago. However, she was not interested in sitting still. Now, she will sit still for some one-on-one time with Mama since my time is divided. I think she looks adorable and very grown up.

Making faces at each other, so fun!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sisterly Love

Savannah has decided she really does like her baby sister. Here are some cute pictures of them together and a cute one of Annabeth smiling.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Elephant Art?

As Mother's Day approached and Sean thought about what would be an appropriate gift, he thought "If Savannah were to choose the gift, what would she choose?" Knowing my love of elephants (I tend to enjoy the zoo as much as the girls), he called the zoo and ordered a painting for me. The elephants at the Houston Zoo do artwork as an enrichment exercise. The zoo then sells the art as a fundraiser. So, this picture was painted by Shanti. She is an Asian elephant and is known for loving to create art. I was so excited. Now, I just need to get a frame...

I couldn't post without adding a few pictures of our girls. Annabeth is starting to lose the newborn look a bit. I just love those cheeks!
Savannah helping me with Annabeth. She knows that when "baby sister", as she is called, cries we often give her a pacifier. So, here she is trying to help. It really is sweet.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

We spent Saturday afternoon visiting Sean's grandma at her nursing home. This was the first time she met Annabeth. So, we made sure that pictures were taken of Grandma Helen holding Annabeth.

Annabeth, Grandma Helen and big sister Savannah

Savannah taking a break to listen to the music. She loves music!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Annabeth's Checkup

We had Annabeth's two week checkup today. She is doing great!! She is now 21 inches long and 9 lbs 1 oz. She has gained enough weight to make all of us happy. She is staying awake more and more. She is so sweet. We are truly enjoying her.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A girl never forgets her first taste of cake batter

We spent this weekend at the lake visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma made a cake to take to a party Saturday night and Savannah was lucky enough to taste her first bite of cake batter. Clearly she is wondering where it has been all her life.

Annabeth enjoying the bouncy seat after a meal. We figured out last week that she has reflux like her big sister. So, she has to be upright all the time to help keep the acid down. She is even sleeping very upright. Luckily it does seem to help (as does the medicine).
Annabeth hanging out with Daddy.

Savannah dancing to the wiggles. I had no idea how much she would love them!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More fun pictures

We have been enjoying our girls so much. Savannah loves to "help" her little sister, it is so sweet!!

Daddy and his girls!!

Annabeth chillin

Savannah grabbed the boppy to hold Annabeth

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Savannah at about the same age as Annabeth right now.