Well, we have survived week one!! Here are a couple of photos that show how we have been spending our time.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Our first week together
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Here she is...
Annabeth Michelle Golden
April 18,2008
5:01 pm
8 lbs, 9 oz
20.5 inches
We are all home and doing well. Big sister Savannah is very proud of her new little sister and keeps telling us we need to be quiet because of the baby. Here are some of the many cute pictures taken so far. We will try to keep them coming.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hopefully tomorrow...
Well, we were unable to get into the hospital today. There were not enough rooms for all of the women who had delivered, so they were stacked up in the delivery rooms. So, we are hoping several left this evening and the hospital will have room for us tomorrow. We are first on the list, so we are optimistic. Once she has arrived we will let everyone know.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Where is our sweet girl?
So, today is our due date. I had my last OB appointment today and my body is starting to not handle being pregnant as well any more. My blood pressure was elevated and there was some protein in my urine. For those who aren't doctors, that means I am starting to have early pre-eclampsia. So, we are still on the list for tomorrow and my doctor is really going to try to get us in since I am starting to struggle. We will keep everyone posted as much as possible. Hopefully she will arrive in the next day or two and we can introduce her to the world.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
39 Weeks and Counting
We had our 39 week appointment today. I am sitting pretty at 1 cm, so we are not expecting to go into labor any time soon. We were put on the induction list for the 17th (the day after my due date), but since I won't be considered "medically necessary" it is doubtful that we will get in that day. So we may not actually meet Annabeth until a week after my due date when I will finally be considered "medically necessary." In the meantime we are enjoying our time with Savannah and getting things done around the house.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Animal Attraction
The Houston Children's Festival is this weekend in Houston. It is a really cool festival. Savannah will definitely have lots of fun in the coming years. This year the main attractions for her were the pony rides and the petting zoo. We actually brought the camera out of hiding for the day to capture some of the fun.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
No News...
We are 38 weeks pregnant and we had a doctor's appointment today. Basically, there is nothing to report. My Dr. fully expects to see me in her office again next week. For those of you who don't remember, we had to induce Savannah 8 days late. So, we may be in for going that route again this time. As long as Annabeth is healthy and ready to be born, she is welcome to arrive whenever she feels ready. We promise to let people know when there is someone new to share.
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